Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle Pushchair

The Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle pushchair is an all-terrain stroller that is suitable for city and off-road use. While the all-terrain nature of this pushchair might put off many parents, it does perform admirably in town. Aside from being suitable for off-road use, the stroller can absorb minor bumps, making it a great choice for walks in the woods or a trek up a mountain.

The Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle pushchair is lightweight and easily folds. The wheels and bumper bar are easy to remove and attach to the chassis. The seatback is padded and extends to provide extra support. Moreover, the adjustable leg rest is sturdy and allows the child to stand or lay flat with ease. The Mountain Buggie Urban Jungle is suitable for a child up to 20 kg. It comes with a carrycot and a hood for the child.

This pushchair is equipped with an attachable sun canopy that matches the fabric of the buggy. It has a UPF 50+ rating and is tested to keep your child protected from harmful UV rays. In addition to the canopy, the Mountain Buggie Urban Jungle has a Peekaboo window that can hide when not in use. The stroller is very convenient and comfortable to use. It also features a storage basket for the diaper bag and is perfect for traveling with young children.

The Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle is extremely light, making it one of the easiest pushchairs to use. Its improved fold mechanism makes it the most manoeuvrable stroller on the market today. And if you’re on the lookout for a pushchair that won’t weigh you down, this is a great option for you.

The Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle has been improved with a more user-friendly fold mechanism. It is now easier to manoeuvre and sturdier than its predecessor, and its new brake position is more convenient. The wheels of the Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle are also better. However, the pushchair is heavier than most other pushchairs.


is made of durable canvas and has a large basket that is designed to carry 10kg of groceries. Its seatback is adjustable from a seated position to a semi-inclined position and can even be adjusted to an upright position if necessary. It is available in various colour schemes, including purple and black. If you want a stylish and multi-functional pushchair, you can get the Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle for less than £500.

The Urban Jungle pushchair is designed to be a versatile all-rounder for the city and off-road use. Its design is ideal for city and off-road users. The most popular all-terrain buggy, the Urban Jungle, is a multi-terrain stroller that comes with a wide variety of features and a reversible seat liner. The urban jungle is available in a range of colours and sizes, including silver and black.